I have succombed to Facebook

I joined Facebook 2 days ago and am absolutely amazed at how many people have found me. Today I was chatting with a friend in Korea and a friend in China both of whom I hadn't spoken to in at least 10 years. I love that you can link to your blog and you can link to...

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Create Your Own Avatar

I just happened upon an incredible site called faceyourmanga.com where you can create your own avatar for use with your blog, facebook, twitter, etc. I played around and created this one. It was fun. What a great tool. I’m not sure how they make any money but it’s...

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TV Karts

My local grocery store has upgraded their kid-friendly shopping carts to TV Karts. Talk about making your product it’s own advertising. The cart looks like a car so toddlers feel like they are driving. The cart has two screens. One shows your little one an episode...

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T.O. Tees Update

As an update to my post of August 7, TOTees.com has vastly expanded their offerings to go even beyond all that were showcased through the 5 episodes of HBO’s Hard Knocks. This product expansion includes a customization feature so you can get your own “I” tees in...

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Happy Football Thanksgiving

Today is the first day of football. I don’t care that the Redskins and Giants played on Thursday in what the NFL has coined Kickoff Weekend. However, for the past 10 years in my household it has been known as Football Thanksgiving and it doesn’t fall on the...

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Celebrating bees

September is National Honey Month and it would be remiss of me not to mention it here on my Royal Jelly blog. So in honor of the hard-working bees who make our honey and also serve as my company logo, please visit www.honeylocator.com to find a local honey supplier.

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Just Get It Done

There is something to be said for just getting it done. I took a picture of this handwritten real estate sign today and thought - ugh handwritten sign for $730,000 home. That is, until I thought about it. As many of my clients know, I am passionate about good design...

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Shameless Self Promotion by the Master – Terrell Owens

If you want to learn about self promotion, especially the shameless kind, you need to look no further than professional sports. Last night on the first episode of HBO's Hardknocks, a full minute of the show was devoted to promotion of totees.com. A new line of...

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Starbucks Did It Again

I think Starbucks is lobbying to get there own category on this blog. I just got an email from them stating that if I take my receipt from the morning into Starbucks after 2pm, I can have my favorite cold beverage for only $2. And, not only did I do that this...

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