View Poll Results

I find polls interesting, but I find them more interesting when I can get more data than just the answer to the basic question. Mazda is sponsoring this poll on LinkedIn: What would you most like to accomplish with the push of a button? - Delete all junk mail from my...

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Marketing Without Saying a Word

This bag belongs to my friend Barbara. Isn't it great? Barbara sells Cookie Lee jewelry. It's great stuff. What I really love about Barbara's bag is that wherever she goes, she is marketing to everyone who sees her without saying a word. You can see she's inserted...

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Ah, The Beauty of TinyURL

I just had a wonderfully typical experience with TinyURL and thought I should share it in case you weren't familiar with this fabulous site.  The site's premise states in the title "shorten that long URL to a Tiny URL". Makes sense, right? But why would you use it? I...

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Secure Your Domain Name

I can't stress enough how important a good domain name is for a company, especially a small business. Competition out there is tough enough. Don't make it even harder for your customers to find you by having a less than memorable domain name. At this point in time it...

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Defining what you do

I really like the logo design on this truck. It is clean and well-designed. The truck includes a web site and phone number. The problem is that I am not quite sure what they do. Do they sell place settings? In looking at the web site I have learned that they rent...

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I Love the Internet

Especially when it works as hoped. I should qualify that statement. I love Google to find things. I love eBay to get an idea of the prevailing consumer market. And I love companies that have clear, easy-to-use web sites. I am involved in a holiday toy drive at my...

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Managing Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites can be overwhelming, especially if you are a business person new to them. Should I be on MySpace or Facebook? What is LinkedIn? There are so many sites popping up. As with all marketing tools, my advice remains the same, stick to what you can...

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How to make your product exciting again

I love a good cross promotion. I saw this sign at 7-Eleven today. I can imagine all the cubicles across the country with opposing red and blue cups. In fact, I see myself frequenting my local 7-Eleven in the next four weeks because it's a fun, slightly subtle way to...

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How long will we continue to pay for slick marketing?

How much do we really pay for marketing in the products we buy? Last night, I went to the grocery store up the street. This is not my usual store but I happened to be there with a friend and picked up a gallon of milk. This gallon of milk was $.75 cheaper than my...

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