I heard a radio ad today for the National Day of Prayer. What struck me about the ad was the domain name they referenced - ndptf.org. Now, this stands for the National Day of Prayer Task Force, but I only learned that after going to the site. After a bit of research,...
Free Children's Book to Promote Cause
Last night I picked up this book at my local Community Center. It was free from the local County Health Department. The book, The Summer The Town Bit Back, is a cute children's book about protecting yourself from West Nile Virus. As a mom, I am a whole lot more likely...
Stop sending blank emails
I still don’t understand marketers. I can’t tell you the number of emails I get that I have subscribed to and would be willing to read if they were not just an image. I received an email today from the Dallas Cowboys. The email is just an image, no other text at...
Knowing the cost of doing business and the value of a customer
At Starbuck’s today, I ordered a client a tall decaf (don’t tell him) along with some other drinks. When the barista went to pour the tall I realized this was the smallest size and I told her I really wanted a grande (read medium). I went to get out a quarter to...
Bee-looking Frog
I visited the National Geographic Museum today to check out the frogs exhibit. The exhibit was great - fun, very interactive, good for all ages. The point of this post is just to show you one of the frogs I saw there - Dendrobates leucomelas. I am attracted to all...
Are you making it easy for your customers to do business with you?
I was struck by a voice mail I received today from Anne. Anne attended one of my seminars at the Women’s Business Center in November and had a question about a web site I mentioned. The call is not what struck me (although I did appreciate that my talk encouraged...
This will be the only time you see this page
A dear friend of mine sent me an invitation to join Mamasource.com. The email invite said that she had planted a tree for me so I was intrigued. On the registration page, it said that for a limited time when I look up Moms I know on Mamasource and invite non-members...
New Use of Radio Technology
This is a new use of technology. Have you ever driven by a house and thought, “I wonder how much that house is.†But you are not interested enough or don’t have time to stop the car, get out and hope there are detailed fliers on the sign post. This real estate...