I am sure the first question this eye doctor used to get was, "Do you accept my insurance?". My guess is that with this sign, this office has saved itself time and attracted more foot traffic since everyone walking by knows the answer. It got me to walk right in the...
Look to Public Transportation
I always encourage my clients to look to other industries for great marketing ideas. In this age of rising gas prices, public transportation already has a leg up on being foremost in people's minds. However, since we as a society love to drive our own cars, public...
If you have been around me in the past few days, you have seen my latest Thing I Love. May I present my Vado. I loved this video camera before I even got it. I waited with great anticipation as it made it's way to me via the United Parcel Service. This is a video...
I opted in within minutes
As you can tell from recent entries, I am hesitant to sign up for anything on web sites I don’t know yet. Even though I have an email address specifically for using on such web sites. Today, I found a web site that I signed up on within minutes of reaching the site....
LinkedIn Maiden Name
Why is there no spot on LinkedIn for my maiden name? I am not sure how my collegiate friends are supposed to find me. I am guessing that it was designed by a man who wouldn't even think about this. After this post, I found this issue discussed on another blog. You can...
Making it Easy for Attendees to See Themselves
I attended a workshop this weekend with Lisa Whelchel. She handled photos with her in a very interesting way. She actually recruited a volunteer to take pictures with Lisa's digital camera. Logistically this makes it easy since there is someone designated to take the...
Learning Effective Marketing from a Mom
Remember to look everywhere for effective marketing strategies. I met a woman this weekend at a conference and we really hit it off and as we were saying goodbye she said†Let me give you my cardâ€. Here it is…(the smudging is mine to protect her contact info). I...
Does your domain name make sense, part 2
I saw this van on the road today. If I hadn't taken this picture, I would not have remembered the domain name. What struck me was the name makes no sense to the average motorist who may see this van on the road. In doing a little research, I learned that Wiygul is the...
A domain name I won’t forget
Check out this van I saw on the road today. What a great domain name - thinkrabies.com. I don't want to think about rabies, but I will know exactly who to contact if I need this service. Brilliant!