by Laura B. Poindexter | Brilliant!, Marketing Thoughts
I attended a workshop this weekend with Lisa Whelchel. She handled photos with her in a very interesting way. She actually recruited a volunteer to take pictures with Lisa’s digital camera. Logistically this makes it easy since there is someone designated to...
by Laura B. Poindexter | Brilliant!, Marketing Thoughts
Remember to look everywhere for effective marketing strategies. I met a woman this weekend at a conference and we really hit it off and as we were saying goodbye she said†Let me give you my cardâ€. Here it is…(the smudging is mine to protect her contact info). I...
by Laura B. Poindexter | Brilliant!
Check out this van I saw on the road today. What a great domain name – I don’t want to think about rabies, but I will know exactly who to contact if I need this service....
by Laura B. Poindexter | Brilliant!
Last night I picked up this book at my local Community Center. It was free from the local County Health Department. The book, The Summer The Town Bit Back, is a cute children’s book about protecting yourself from West Nile Virus. As a mom, I am a whole lot more...
by Laura B. Poindexter | Brilliant!
I was struck by a voice mail I received today from Anne. Anne attended one of my seminars at the Women’s Business Center in November and had a question about a web site I mentioned. The call is not what struck me (although I did appreciate that my talk encouraged...
by Laura B. Poindexter | Brilliant!
This is a new use of technology. Have you ever driven by a house and thought, “I wonder how much that house is.†But you are not interested enough or don’t have time to stop the car, get out and hope there are detailed fliers on the sign post. This real estate...