Today, I saw this Data Privacy Day video on Firefox home screen. It was great. It was short, funny, and got the point across. They even asked me to “spread the word” except they didn’t give me the ability to spread the word. No social sharing links anywhere.

Mozilla Privacy Day video

So, I searched “mozilla data privacy video” – nothing. Then I searched “Mozilla data privacy day” and got this blog post posted today: And guess what? No video. No mention of the video. No related stories.

Finally, as I scrolled down my search results, I found it, sitting in the #6 position – a blog post from yesterday:


And it includes the video – yay! And that video includes a share option – double yay!

Wow, Mozilla that was a lot of work to share on my part. And, I did share – not only the video but also the badge.

Your takeaway small business owner? Make your content EASY to share. Everything on your site that might be interesting to your audience (and that should be everything).

Look down below this line and what do you see? Sharing links. Feel free.